I mean shouldn’t the Dai Lee, the ones who keep us safe and free, be picked from the most competent and capable people of Ba Sing Se? The Royal Earthbender Guards of Ba Sing Se are affiliated with neither the Dai Li nor the military, instead they serve as personal protectors of the Earth King, as seen in "The Earth King". It is believed that after the Fire Nation lost the War, the Dai Li were stripped of their authority in the city. On the floor of the room is a large map of the Avatar world with colored stone tokens spread out across it representing military units. After Zuko is crowned Fire Lord, the entire gang celebrates their victory there at the Jasmine Dragon Tea Shop. It is here where General How and the others made the decision to use General Fong's base as the launching point for the Fire Nation invasion.

Ba Sing Se means "Impenetrable City" the city is so named for its two world-famous walls, the gates of which have no hinges or other hardware, and are opened by use of Earthbending. The English word games are: Anagrams Wildcard, crossword Lettris Boggle. Each has its own deeper meaning, but we’ll be focusing on the most memorable and heartwrenching, “Leaves From the Vine”. With Ba Sing Se liberated, it is likely this rule was overthrown.