To join your server, make sure that the status of the server says “Online.” If this is true, grab your connection address and open up the in-game console with ~ type in the command to connect by doing “connect (IP:Port, or in this case your connection address)” Give it some time to load in and you should be in your server! The Basics of Addons The GMod server should be started for you, however, if this is not the case, be sure to click the “start” button on your console. Once payment has processed with our payment processor, your server will be automatically installed within minutes! Once you have received the email from us stating the server is installed, you should now log on to our Game Panel. If you have bought the GMod server hosting plan with Iceline Hosting, the setup is simple. Once you have figured this out and you purchase your GMod server hosting plan, you are ready to begin setting up and making it perfect! This is important to gauge because it dictates how many server resources you are going to require to run the GMod server smoothly. To start, I would look at how many players you want to have on your GMod server. To get started on Garry’s Mod, it’s important to make sure that you choose the right GMod server hosting plan for your friends or community. If you are new to Garry’s mod hosting or Garry’s Mod in general and you want to host your own Garry’s Mod server, this guide will be for you! We will go over some of the basics of GMod hosting and what you should be doing to get started with your very own server! Getting Started: